Post Count [was Re: nice pay server
(too old to reply)
2003-09-12 07:19:27 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
| this-
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
| >>So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
| >>something in their sig about this group, it might generate some
| >>interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Steve Leyland
2003-09-12 07:29:10 UTC
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my vengeance
upon thee:

: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
: <***@it.com> blurted:
:: "BuZZard" <***@buzzardnest.com> musta had a buzz when they said
:: this- news:flY7b.36454$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net:
::: "blujuju" <***@it.com> wrote in message
::: news:***@
:::: "Ones0n" <***@CANSPAMatt.net> musta had a buzz when they said
:::: this-
:::: news:O8P7b.134098$***@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net:
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate some
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!

j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.

BTW hey buzz and cstuff. LTNS.
Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24
flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


The REAL reason ostriches stick their head in the sand is to search for

"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the muppet
now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past UseNet posts
will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"

Bastard Bear, uk.rec.motorcycles
"This sig is an abomination of all that is good and right about usenet.
Do the entire world a favor and REMOVE YOURSELF FROM USENET ALTOGETHER,

miguel, soc.singles
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is
finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; until there is no longer
any first-class and second-class citizens of any nation; until the color of
a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; until
the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to
race -- until that day, the dreams of lasting peace and world citizenship
and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion,
to be pursued but never attained."

Haile Sellassie.
"First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I
wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't
speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that
time there was no one left to speak up for me."

Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in deeds,
not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as Warriors
of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

Eddie E. Rankin
2003-09-12 14:41:53 UTC
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my vengeance
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate some
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Post by Steve Leyland
BTW hey buzz and cstuff. LTNS.
Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24
flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)
The REAL reason ostriches stick their head in the sand is to search for
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the muppet
now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past UseNet posts
will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"
Bastard Bear, uk.rec.motorcycles
"This sig is an abomination of all that is good and right about usenet.
Do the entire world a favor and REMOVE YOURSELF FROM USENET ALTOGETHER,
miguel, soc.singles
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.
And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."
William Blake.
"Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is
finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; until there is no longer
any first-class and second-class citizens of any nation; until the color of
a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; until
the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to
race -- until that day, the dreams of lasting peace and world citizenship
and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion,
to be pursued but never attained."
Haile Sellassie.
"First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I
wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't
speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that
time there was no one left to speak up for me."
Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in deeds,
not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as Warriors
of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."
Native American prophecy
|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''
Eddie Bernard
2003-09-12 16:00:49 UTC
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate some
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
The Critically Acclaimed Eddie Bernard -====- GCSE,GCE,KS1/2/3,PS2,X-Box

"Worth a second read" ; "Some wit present" - Anonymous A-Level Examiners

- My Website -> http://needs-a-new-home.invalid
- DL FAQ ----> http://www.geocities.com/paulrooney2003/demon.localFAQ.htm
2003-09-12 19:31:16 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate some
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
2003-09-12 22:16:38 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate some
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.

Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
2003-09-13 18:34:53 UTC
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate some
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.

Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
2003-09-13 19:36:22 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
2003-09-15 10:05:21 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.

Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Green Dappled Monotremata
2003-09-15 12:24:46 UTC
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0

Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
2003-09-15 18:06:51 UTC
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.

Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0
Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Green Dappled Monotremata
2003-09-15 23:26:46 UTC
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Damn. And I nearly are one.
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0
Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0

Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
2003-09-16 09:51:36 UTC
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Damn. And I nearly are one.
Moi aussie, but we must keep up some form of front while posting. It's good
for morale.


Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun |
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
(I don't know I cannot tell)
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0
Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0
Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Green Dappled Monotremata
2003-09-16 19:31:24 UTC
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here.
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people,
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Damn. And I nearly are one.
Moi aussie
We all have our cross to bear. At least you're not French.
Post by Phillipines Kyle
but we must keep up some form of front while posting. It's good
for morale.
I couldn't agree more.
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun |
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
(I don't know I cannot tell)
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0
Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0
Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0

Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Phillipines Kyle
2003-09-15 18:41:23 UTC
Green Dappled Monotremata spewed Post Count [was Re: nice pay server
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.

Post by Phillipines Kyle
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Phil K.

Green Dappled Monotremata
2003-09-15 23:27:44 UTC
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Green Dappled Monotremata spewed Post Count [was Re: nice pay server
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Phil K.
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0

Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
Phillipines Kyle
2003-09-16 00:56:01 UTC
Green Dappled Monotremata spewed Post Count [was Re: nice pay server
Post by Phillipines Kyle
Green Dappled Monotremata spewed Post Count [was Re: nice pay server
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.
Post by Green Dappled Monotremata
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Phil K.
Phil K.

Phillipines Kyle
2003-09-13 20:54:10 UTC
[ctrl][alt][del] spewed Post Count [was Re: nice pay server onto my
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
Post by Eddie Bernard
Over the hills and far away in demon.local, Eddie E. Rankin came to
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
ryannosaurus, you will know my name is Steve Leyland when I lay my
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::: this-
::::: blujuju wrote in message ...
:::::: We need to get more people to post here.
:::::: There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
:::::: And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
:::::: Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
:::::: So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
:::::: something in their sig about this group, it might generate
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Eddie Bernard
Post by Eddie E. Rankin
Post by Steve Leyland
:::::: interest. Any other ideas?
::::: Cross Post?
:::: Where?
:::: What?
::: Everywhere.
:: Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
j00 forgot teh word NOT.
Fluffy smiles upon all cross-posters.

Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by [ctrl][alt][del]
Post by ryannosaurus
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/
"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Phil K.

Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-12 20:04:00 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
| said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
| >>So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
| >>something in their sig about this group, it might generate
| >>some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.

**dark and decadent gfx**
is my homepage
go see why
"Reading is one thing. Comprehension... has too many syllables."
Tuesday Knight arw 8.03
2003-09-13 07:01:48 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
| said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you know.
| >>So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan or
| >>something in their sig about this group, it might generate
| >>some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-13 07:03:32 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
| said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan
| >>or something in their sig about this group, it might
| >>generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.

**dark and decadent gfx**
is my homepage
go see why
"Reading is one thing. Comprehension... has too many syllables."
Tuesday Knight arw 8.03
2003-09-13 07:51:47 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
| said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan
| >>or something in their sig about this group, it might
| >>generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.
Or a six pack or Coors Light
smeeter 26
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-13 07:41:03 UTC
***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
| said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe 6.
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan
| >>or something in their sig about this group, it might
| >>generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.
Or a six pack or Coors Light
Or a gumrubber boot.

**dark and decadent gfx**
is my homepage
go see why
"Reading is one thing. Comprehension... has too many syllables."
Tuesday Knight arw 8.03
2003-09-13 19:37:22 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene , Goddess of
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju , blujuju
| said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here. Maybe
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long... well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little slogan
| >>or something in their sig about this group, it might
| >>generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.
Or a six pack or Coors Light
Or a gumrubber boot.
Or a Limp Bizkit CD
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-13 21:19:48 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene , Goddess of
from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
| they said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here.
| >>Maybe
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
| >>well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little
| >>slogan or something in their sig about this group, it
| >>might generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.
Or a six pack or Coors Light
Or a gumrubber boot.
Or a Limp Bizkit CD
Or a live manta ray

**dark and decadent gfx**
is my homepage
go see why
"Reading is one thing. Comprehension... has too many syllables."
Tuesday Knight arw 8.03
2003-09-14 06:12:54 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene , Goddess of
from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
| they said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here.
| >>Maybe
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
| >>well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little
| >>slogan or something in their sig about this group, it
| >>might generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.
Or a six pack or Coors Light
Or a gumrubber boot.
Or a Limp Bizkit CD
Or a live manta ray
Or a colorfull sea urchin
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-14 18:02:03 UTC
***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene , Goddess of
from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
| they said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here.
| >>Maybe
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
| >>well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people, you
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little
| >>slogan or something in their sig about this group, it
| >>might generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.
Or a six pack or Coors Light
Or a gumrubber boot.
Or a Limp Bizkit CD
Or a live manta ray
Or a colorfull sea urchin
A bobble head hula dancer.
2003-09-15 17:33:46 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene , Goddess
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
| they said this-
Post by ryannosaurus
| > blujuju wrote in message ...
| >>We need to get more people to post here.
| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here.
| >>Maybe
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
| >>well...
| >>
| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Steve Leyland
Post by ryannosaurus
| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little
| >>slogan or something in their sig about this group, it
| >>might generate some interest. Any other ideas?
| >
| > Cross Post?
| Where?
| What?
Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
Or a ham bone.
Or a six pack or Coors Light
Or a gumrubber boot.
Or a Limp Bizkit CD
Or a live manta ray
Or a colorfull sea urchin
A bobble head hula dancer.
a petrified whale penis
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
2003-09-15 17:58:31 UTC
"ryannosaurus" <***@icqmail.com> wrote in message news:***@news.usenetserver.com...
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
: Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head from
: >their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >@news.usenetserver.com:
: >
: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
: >> Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>
: >>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head
: >from
: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>news:***@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>
: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene , Goddess
: >of
: >>>> Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>>
: >>>>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head
: >>>>>from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
: >>>>>@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>>>
: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
: >>>>>> <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head
: >>>>>from
: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>news:***@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >Goddess
: >>>>>of
: >>>>>>>> Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her
: >head
: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>>>news:***@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
: >>>>>>>>>> blujuju <***@it.com> blurted:
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>"BuZZard" <***@buzzardnest.com> musta had a buzz when
: >>>>>>>>>>>they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net:
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> "blujuju" <***@it.com> wrote in message
: >>>>>>>>>>>> news:***@
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| "Ones0n" <***@CANSPAMatt.net> musta had a buzz when
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| news:O8P7b.134098$***@bgtnsc04-
: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| :
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post here.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Maybe
: >>>>>6.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>well...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of people,
: >you
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some little
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>slogan or something in their sig about this group, it
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>might generate some interest. Any other ideas?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>>>
: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>>
: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>>
: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>
: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >
: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: a petrified whale penis

A pair of fuZZy dice
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-15 20:23:43 UTC
Post by BuZZard
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >
: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
: >>
: >from
: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>
: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>> Goddess
: >of
: >>>>
: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
: >>>>>
: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>>>head
: >>>>>from
: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >Goddess
: >>>>>of
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >head
: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>>>6.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>well...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >you
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig about
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some interest. Any
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>other ideas?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>>>
: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>>
: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>>
: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>
: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >
: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: a petrified whale penis
A pair of fuZZy dice
An ooga horn
2003-09-15 23:48:18 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by BuZZard
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >
: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
: >>
: >from
: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>
: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>> Goddess
: >of
: >>>>
: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
: >>>>>
: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>>>head
: >>>>>from
: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >Goddess
: >>>>>of
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >head
: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju ,
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>>>6.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so long...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>well...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >you
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig about
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some interest. Any
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>other ideas?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>>>
: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>>
: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>>
: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>
: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >
: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: a petrified whale penis
A pair of fuZZy dice
An ooga horn
A jelly vibe
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-15 23:39:32 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by BuZZard
: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >
: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>
: >>>head
: >from
: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>
: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>> Goddess
: >of
: >>>>
: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
: >>>>>
: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>>>from
: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >Goddess
: >>>>>of
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >head
: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>>>6.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >you
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig about
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some interest.
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>>>
: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>>
: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>>
: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>
: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >
: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: a petrified whale penis
A pair of fuZZy dice
An ooga horn
A jelly vibe
A stolen lawn gnome.
2003-09-16 00:39:29 UTC
"Goddess of Groundhogs" <***@my.shadow.com> wrote in message news:***@
: ***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head from
: their hole and screamed -
: news:***@news.usenetserver.com:
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
: > Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >
: >>"BuZZard" <***@buzzardnest.com> raised his/her head from their
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>news:b5n9b.29388$***@nwrddc03.gnilink.net:
: >>
: >>>
: >>> "ryannosaurus" <***@icqmail.com> wrote in message
: >>> news:***@news.usenetserver.com...
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
: >>>: of Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>:
: >>>: >***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >> Goddess of Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>news:***@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>> Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed - news:3f66cc7f.11044765
: >>>: >>>>>@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>> Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>news:***@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> blurted:
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news:***@news.usenetserver.com:
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.fan.blujuju
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> , blujuju <***@it.com> blurted:
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>"BuZZard" <***@buzzardnest.com> musta had a buzz
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net:
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> "blujuju" <***@it.com> wrote in message
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> news:***@
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| "Ones0n" <***@CANSPAMatt.net> musta had a buzz
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| news:O8P7b.134098$***@bgtnsc04-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| :
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig about
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some interest.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>:
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.

A dented red white and blue can.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-16 02:56:04 UTC
Post by BuZZard
: their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
: >
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed -
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some interest.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
2003-09-16 16:48:35 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by BuZZard
: >
Post by BuZZard
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed -
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put some
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some interest.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
an entire tastefull swedish living room set from IKEA
______ _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ _____
/ __/ // / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \(_-</ _ `/ // / __/ // (_-<
/_/ \_, /\_,_/_//_/_//_/\___/___/\_,_/\_,_/_/ \_,_/___/


"Comparing Ronald Reagan and George W Bush is like
comparing a grown man to a garden gnome."
- Ron Reagan Jr.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-22 16:57:00 UTC
***@icqmail.com (ryannosaurus) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed - news:3f6c3ec6.4291893
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >
Post by BuZZard
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed -
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$ae6.10096
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever- post
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
an entire tastefull swedish living room set from IKEA
A gilt framed Currier and Ives print of a waterfoul
G€ÐÐe§§ €¶ Gr€unÐh€g§

Visit http://biteybits.port5.com and learn sump10.
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
2003-09-22 17:42:53 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
their hole and screamed - news:3f6c3ec6.4291893
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >
Post by BuZZard
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of alt.music.miocene
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed -
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$ae6.10096
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever-
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by BuZZard
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
an entire tastefull swedish living room set from IKEA
A gilt framed Currier and Ives print of a waterfoul
A '58 VW with the weird little flags for turn signals
smeeter 26
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-22 17:47:11 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
from their hole and screamed - news:3f6c3ec6.4291893
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: head
: their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >
: >>from
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >his/her
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>> alt.music.miocene
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>raised his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>a
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$ae6.10096
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| a
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever-
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
an entire tastefull swedish living room set from IKEA
A gilt framed Currier and Ives print of a waterfoul
A '58 VW with the weird little flags for turn signals
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
G€ÐÐe§§ €¶ Gr€unÐh€g§

Visit http://biteybits.port5.com and learn sump10.
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
2003-09-23 04:11:26 UTC
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
from their hole and screamed - news:3f6c3ec6.4291893
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: head
: their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >
: >>from
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >his/her
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>> alt.music.miocene
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>raised his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>a
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$ae6.10096
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| a
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever-
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
an entire tastefull swedish living room set from IKEA
A gilt framed Currier and Ives print of a waterfoul
A '58 VW with the weird little flags for turn signals
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
smeeter 26
Text Medium
2003-09-23 08:34:32 UTC
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
from their hole and screamed - news:3f6c3ec6.4291893
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: head
: their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >
: >>from
: >>hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >his/her
: >>>: >from their hole and screamed - news:3f6406cf.5207990
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>head
: >>>: >from
: >>>: >>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>> alt.music.miocene
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>>>head from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head
: >>>: >>>>>from
: >>>: >>>>>>>their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >Goddess
: >>>: >>>>>of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>raised his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>a
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$ae6.10096
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| a
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever-
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>little slogan or something in their sig
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
an entire tastefull swedish living room set from IKEA
A gilt framed Currier and Ives print of a waterfoul
A '58 VW with the weird little flags for turn signals
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Post by ryannosaurus
smeeter 26
mhm 34x21 WSD 39 TNPJRL# Level 42

Shon'ai: the Passing Game.
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 08:37:04 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Text
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of Groundhogs
from their hole and screamed - news:3f6c3ec6.4291893
Post by ryannosaurus
After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
: from their hole and screamed -
: > After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >
: >>their hole and screamed -
: >>
: >>>
: >>>: After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus ,
: >>>: >his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >
: >>>: >> After slamming down double-shots of alt.ryannosaurus
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >>>his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>
: >>>: >>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>> alt.music.miocene ,
: >>>: >>>> Goddess
: >>>: >of
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>>>his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>>>> alt.ryannosaurus , Goddess of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>raised his/her
: >>>: >head
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>from their hole and screamed -
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> After slamming down double-shots of
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>a buzz when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>news:flY7b.36454$ae6.10096
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| a buzz when they said this-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>news.ops.worldnet.att.net
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > blujuju wrote in message ...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>We need to get more people to post here.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>There are only like 5 people who -ever-
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>post here. Maybe
: >>>: >>>>>6.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>And all of 'us' have known each other so
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>long... well...
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Google not archiving is a plus for a lot
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>of people,
: >>>: >you
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>know. So, maybe if everybody would put
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>some little slogan or something in their
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>sig about
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>this group, it might generate some
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>interest.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >>Any other ideas?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| >
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| > Cross Post?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>|
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| Where?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>| What?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>>Hey Buzz! Wazzup?
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>> crossposting makes the baby jesus cry!
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>>>Ack~ Stick sumpin in his mouth.
: >>>: >>>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>> Bacon?
: >>>: >>>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>>>Or a ham bone.
: >>>: >>>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>> Or a six pack or Coors Light
: >>>: >>>>>
: >>>: >>>>>Or a gumrubber boot.
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>> Or a Limp Bizkit CD
: >>>: >>>>
: >>>: >>>Or a live manta ray
: >>>: >>
: >>>: >> Or a colorfull sea urchin
: >>>: >
: >>>: >A bobble head hula dancer.
: >>>: a petrified whale penis
: >>>
: >>> A pair of fuZZy dice
: >>
: >>An ooga horn
: >
: > A jelly vibe
: >
: A stolen lawn gnome.
A dented red white and blue can.
A family photo album.
an entire tastefull swedish living room set from IKEA
A gilt framed Currier and Ives print of a waterfoul
A '58 VW with the weird little flags for turn signals
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have carrots
in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
2003-09-23 16:08:10 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have carrots
in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much you
chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.

Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 16:31:09 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Moonbug,
Post by Moonbug
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have carrots
in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much you
chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Yes, that's a creepy one too. It must be all part of God's Plan.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 19:54:07 UTC
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have
carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much you
chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which end it
comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 20:06:16 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have
carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much you
chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which end it
comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 20:32:16 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have
carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much
you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 20:33:21 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have
carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much
you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 20:36:27 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always
have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've
eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much
you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 20:38:28 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always
have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've
eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much
you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff off
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 20:48:35 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always
have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not
you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how
much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter
which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff
off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.

Waiting with baited breath...

-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 20:52:22 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always
have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've
eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how
much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter
which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff
off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 20:56:57 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or
not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how
much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No
matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff
off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 20:57:12 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or
not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how
much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No
matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff off
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a little extra
for the privilege) and I will excessively consume the beverage all day to
see what result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 21:13:08 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether
or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter
how much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole?
No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume the
beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel movements
in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 21:12:39 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether
or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter
how much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole?
No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff
off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume the
beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel movements in
the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up on toilet
roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 21:14:42 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether
or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter
how much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole?
No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up on
toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-23 21:17:13 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether
or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter
how much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole?
No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff
off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel movements
in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up on
toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first but now on
second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-23 21:33:29 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of
whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up
on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first but now
on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong for lack
of toilet paper.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-24 20:14:06 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of
whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up
on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first but now
on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong for lack
of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.

Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My bathroom is now
filled with glowing orange soft squishy poop. It took me seven hours to
clean my botty, requiring no less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-24 20:48:07 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on my
bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first but
now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong for
lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy poop. It
took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no less than 173
rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-24 20:48:00 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on my
bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first but
now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong for lack
of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper authorities.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy poop. It
took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no less than 173
rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-24 20:52:06 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them
a little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on
my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first but
now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong for
lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy poop. It
took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no less than
173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-24 21:07:34 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them
a little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on
my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first but
now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong for lack
of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy poop. It
took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no less than 173
rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while it's in one
room. If it started following me around I'd be in deep doo-doo, as it
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-24 21:26:33 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first
but now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong
for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy poop.
It took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no less
than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while
it's in one room. If it started following me around I'd be in deep
doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows legs,
you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you around.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-24 21:36:12 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first
but now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong
for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this deadly
substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy poop.
It took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no less
than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while
it's in one room. If it started following me around I'd be in deep
doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows legs,
you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you around.
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the past 20
minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the time being. I will
keep you posted if the situation changes.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-25 19:57:26 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that
no matter how much you chew the corn, it
still comes out whole? No matter which end
it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first
but now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong
for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy
poop. It took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no
less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while
it's in one room. If it started following me around I'd be in
deep doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows legs,
you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you around.
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the past
20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the time
being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-25 20:09:40 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that
no matter how much you chew the corn, it
still comes out whole? No matter which end
it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first
but now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong
for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper authorities.
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy
poop. It took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no
less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while
it's in one room. If it started following me around I'd be in deep
doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows legs,
you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you around.
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the past
20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the time
being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
It's still inanimate, but I think the flies are eating it to death now
anyway. I was badly let down by the plumber today, so now I'll have to
wait until tomorrow to sort out my little problem.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-26 01:34:19 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw
up, you will always have carrots in the
sick, regardless of whether or not you've
eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
that no matter how much you chew the corn,
it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
paying them a little extra for the privilege) and I
will excessively consume the beverage all day to see
what result it has on my bowel movements in the
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at
first but now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible
thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go
wrong for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper authorities.
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy
poop. It took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring
no less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while
it's in one room. If it started following me around I'd be in
deep doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows
legs, you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the past
20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the time
being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
It's still inanimate, but I think the flies are eating it to death
now anyway. I was badly let down by the plumber today, so now I'll
have to wait until tomorrow to sort out my little problem.
My gawd.
You've been in there with a glowing bathroom full of neon orange poo
for over a day!
Say you're ok. Please!
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-26 08:31:03 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw
up, you will always have carrots in the
sick, regardless of whether or not you've
eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
that no matter how much you chew the corn,
it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
paying them a little extra for the privilege) and I
will excessively consume the beverage all day to see
what result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at
first but now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible
thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go
wrong for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper authorities.
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy
poop. It took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring
no less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while
it's in one room. If it started following me around I'd be in deep
doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows
legs, you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the past
20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the time
being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
It's still inanimate, but I think the flies are eating it to death
now anyway. I was badly let down by the plumber today, so now I'll
have to wait until tomorrow to sort out my little problem.
My gawd.
You've been in there with a glowing bathroom full of neon orange poo
for over a day!
Say you're ok. Please!
I'm getting scared now. It's starting to make noises and the plumber is
still not going to turn up for another 6 hours.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-26 17:35:05 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
his/her head from their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence
of this EVIL article by Goddess of
his/her head from their hole and screamed
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw
up, you will always have carrots in the
sick, regardless of whether or not
you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
that no matter how much you chew the
corn, it still comes out whole? No
matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
paying them a little extra for the privilege) and
I will excessively consume the beverage all day to
see what result it has on my bowel movements in
the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a
sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at
first but now on second thoughts it seems to be
sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go
wrong for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper authorities.
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent
public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success.
My bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft
squishy poop. It took me seven hours to clean my botty,
requiring no less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now
while it's in one room. If it started following me around
I'd be in deep doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows
legs, you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following
you around.
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the
past 20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the
time being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
It's still inanimate, but I think the flies are eating it to
death now anyway. I was badly let down by the plumber today, so
now I'll have to wait until tomorrow to sort out my little
My gawd.
You've been in there with a glowing bathroom full of neon orange
poo for over a day!
Say you're ok. Please!
I'm getting scared now. It's starting to make noises and the
plumber is still not going to turn up for another 6 hours.
Oh no! Put a large piece of furniture against the door and get out!!
I think it's mutated... not sure into what exactly.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-26 18:15:31 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
his/her head from their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence
of this EVIL article by Goddess of
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw
up, you will always have carrots in the
sick, regardless of whether or not
you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
that no matter how much you chew the
corn, it still comes out whole? No
matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
paying them a little extra for the privilege) and
I will excessively consume the beverage all day to
see what result it has on my bowel movements in the
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at
first but now on second thoughts it seems to be
sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go
wrong for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper authorities.
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success.
My bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft
squishy poop. It took me seven hours to clean my botty,
requiring no less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now
while it's in one room. If it started following me around
I'd be in deep doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows
legs, you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the
past 20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the
time being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
It's still inanimate, but I think the flies are eating it to
death now anyway. I was badly let down by the plumber today, so
now I'll have to wait until tomorrow to sort out my little problem.
My gawd.
You've been in there with a glowing bathroom full of neon orange
poo for over a day!
Say you're ok. Please!
I'm getting scared now. It's starting to make noises and the
plumber is still not going to turn up for another 6 hours.
Oh no! Put a large piece of furniture against the door and get out!!
I think it's mutated... not sure into what exactly.
I'm now posting from my brother's house, 10 miles down the road. The poop
started to move around so I had no choice, and the plumber was an equal
shitrip as he wouldn't take on the turd.

We've had to call the FBI.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-26 18:33:35 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
his/her head from their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
his/her head from their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence
of this EVIL article by Goddess of
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
his/her head from their hole and screamed
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence
of this EVIL article by Goddess of
his/her head from their hole and
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever
throw up, you will always have carrots
in the sick, regardless of whether or
not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
that no matter how much you chew the
corn, it still comes out whole? No
matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
paying them a little extra for the privilege)
and I will excessively consume the beverage all
day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right.
I'm stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a
sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at
first but now on second thoughts it seems to be
sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go
wrong for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the
proper authorities.
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent
public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious
success. My bathroom is now filled with glowing orange
soft squishy poop. It took me seven hours to clean my
botty, requiring no less than 173 rolls of toilet
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now
while it's in one room. If it started following me around
I'd be in deep doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows
legs, you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following
you around.
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the
past 20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the
time being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
It's still inanimate, but I think the flies are eating it to
death now anyway. I was badly let down by the plumber today,
so now I'll have to wait until tomorrow to sort out my little
My gawd.
You've been in there with a glowing bathroom full of neon
orange poo for over a day!
Say you're ok. Please!
I'm getting scared now. It's starting to make noises and the
plumber is still not going to turn up for another 6 hours.
Oh no! Put a large piece of furniture against the door and get
out!! I think it's mutated... not sure into what exactly.
I'm now posting from my brother's house, 10 miles down the road.
The poop started to move around so I had no choice, and the
plumber was an equal shitrip as he wouldn't take on the turd.
We've had to call the FBI.
Well thank the gawds you've had somewhere to take shelter!
Call the wildlife people. And the Enquirer.
They'll fix ya right up.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
2003-09-26 07:12:25 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that
no matter how much you chew the corn, it
still comes out whole? No matter which end
it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Hey thanks for the tip. I wasn't considering that at first
but now on second thoughts it seems to be sensible thing to do.
Hey, no problem. I'd hate to have this experiment go wrong
for lack of toilet paper.
I'm afraid I've blocked my toilet. And the bathroom.
Oh my.
I've called around the plumber and I've alerted the proper authorities.
Good good... we wouldn't want a biohazard, now.
Yes. The terrorists may try to use it against innocent public targets.
Poo bombs instead of smart bombs. :::shudder::: Dispicable.
Certainly is. Al Qaeda would have no qualms about using this
deadly substance, however.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Needless to say, the experiment was a glorious success. My
bathroom is now filled with glowing orange soft squishy
poop. It took me seven hours to clean my botty, requiring no
less than 173 rolls of toilet paper.
Is it really glowing?
It's glowing a lot, yes. Looks almost radioactive.
Do you think it may mutate and grow legs?
Good grief, I hope not. I can barely stand the smell now while
it's in one room. If it started following me around I'd be in deep
doo-doo, as it were.
I hope it stays contained in the one room. Even if it grows legs,
you can chain it to the sink, keep it from following you around.
That's an good idea. I've been keeping an eye on it for the past
20 minutes and it appears to be still inanimate for the time
being. I will keep you posted if the situation changes.
It's been almost 24 hours now. What's it's condition?
Or were you able to dispose of it all with no mutations?
It's still inanimate, but I think the flies are eating it to death now
anyway. I was badly let down by the plumber today, so now I'll have to
wait until tomorrow to sort out my little problem.
Sounds to me like you are full of chit. ;p
_____________ ___
\______ \__|/ |_ ____ ___ __
| | __/ \ __\/ __ < | | Da2fy1 chix0r
| | \ || | \ ___/\___ | Attitude Adjustment Tech
|______ /__||__| \___ > ____| alt.fan.blujuju
\/ \/\/

Meddle ye not in the affairs of Bitey, mortal, for
Thou art crunchy and will taste good with ketchup.

ESR on Microsloth. Sing it, baaabiiiiieeeee..
2003-09-23 23:55:23 UTC
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether
or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter
how much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole?
No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up on
toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-24 03:30:38 UTC
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of
whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up
on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-24 20:14:34 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of
whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up
on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would have been far
from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-24 20:49:19 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on my
bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would have been
far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346 normal
rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-24 21:06:21 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on my
bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would have been
far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346 normal
rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can hear the Amazon
trees being yanked down as we type. I feel partly guilty, but the other
part of me knows that this was an important breakthrough in the history of
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-24 21:27:10 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them
a little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on
my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would have
been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346 normal
rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can hear
the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel partly
guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was an important
breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-24 21:36:43 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them
a little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on
my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would have
been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346 normal
rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can hear
the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel partly
guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was an important
breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-25 19:57:44 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would have
been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346 normal
rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can hear
the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel partly
guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was an
important breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-25 20:08:09 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still
comes out whole? No matter which end it comes
out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would have
been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346 normal
rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can hear
the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel partly
guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was an
important breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-26 01:33:05 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that
no matter how much you chew the corn, it
still comes out whole? No matter which end
it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would
have been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346
normal rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can
hear the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel
partly guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was an
important breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
2003-09-26 08:30:00 UTC
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that
no matter how much you chew the corn, it
still comes out whole? No matter which end
it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would
have been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346
normal rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can
hear the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel
partly guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was an
important breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
The Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip

Smiting Revenge Against Sinful Usenet Users Since 1874
"My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins" - Kings 12:10
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-26 17:34:05 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw
up, you will always have carrots in the
sick, regardless of whether or not you've
eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
that no matter how much you chew the corn,
it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
paying them a little extra for the privilege) and I
will excessively consume the beverage all day to see
what result it has on my bowel movements in the
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would
have been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346
normal rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can
hear the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel
partly guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was
an important breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
2003-09-26 22:34:30 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up,
you will always have carrots in the sick,
regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that
no matter how much you chew the corn, it
still comes out whole? No matter which end
it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres
of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying
them a little extra for the privilege) and I will
excessively consume the beverage all day to see what
result it has on my bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would
have been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I made.
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346
normal rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can
hear the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel
partly guilty, but the other part of me knows that this was an
important breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-28 18:17:24 UTC
"Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip"
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
his/her head from their hole and screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
(Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
his/her head from
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence
of this EVIL article by Goddess of
his/her head from their hole and screamed
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw
up, you will always have carrots in the
sick, regardless of whether or not
you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
that no matter how much you chew the
corn, it still comes out whole? No
matter which end
it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
paying them a little extra for the privilege) and
I will excessively consume the beverage all day to
see what result it has on my bowel movements in
the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a
sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would
have been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I
Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346
normal rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can
hear the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel
partly guilty, but the other part of me knows that this
was an important breakthrough in the history of science.
Yes, your name should go down in history.
Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is so?
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
2003-09-28 21:50:02 UTC
"Goddess of Groundhogs" <***@my.shadow.com> wrote in message news:***@
: "tµÞêgü¥" <***@NO1-800-sunbeamSPAM.com> raised his/her head from
: their hole and screamed - news:bl2ej5$uk7$***@sun-news.laserlink.net:
: >
: > "Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip"
: > <***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan> wrote in message
: > news:***@news.teranews.com...
: >> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
: >> Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly replied:
: >>
: >> > ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend Parson Peter
: >> > Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >> > news:***@news.teranews.com:
: >> >
: >> >> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
: >> >> by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly replied:
: >> >>
: >> >>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend Parson Peter
: >> >>> Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >> >>> news:***@news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>
: >> >>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
: >> >>>> article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly replied:
: >> >>>>
: >> >>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend Parson Peter
: >> >>>>> Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>> news:***@news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>>>
: >> >>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
: >> >>>>>> article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly replied:
: >> >>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend Parson
: >> >>>>>>> Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
: >> >>>>>>> screamed -
: >> >>>>>>> news:***@news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
: >> >>>>>>>> article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly replied:
: >> >>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>> Moonbug <***@budweiser.com> raised his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>> news:***@4ax.com:
: >> >>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of
: >> >>>>>>>>>> Groundhogs <***@my.shadow.com> wrote:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend Parson
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>
: news:***@news.teranews.com
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> replied:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> news:b1859c688ba78717df7831b675416ae9
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> @news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> thusly replied:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>> news:***@news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thusly replied:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan (Reverend
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:190dadcfd91a92be7075dbd589d0ca50
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I thusly replied:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:8d9cf07ee5eee507f404ba756975ed78
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I thusly replied:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>
: news:***@news.teranews.com:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of this EVIL article by Goddess of
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Groundhogs, and I thusly replied:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moonbug <***@budweiser.com> raised
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her head from their hole and screamed
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:hnr0nvoth5gqhmojl502vake1ueemtn0ab@
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4ax.com:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@ngelicqualities.evilsatan
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) wrote:
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >Crunchies dogfood
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A suggestively shaped vegetable
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Have you noticed that if you ever throw
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>up, you will always have carrots in the
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sick, regardless of whether or not
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you've eaten them?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that no matter how much you chew the
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corn, it still comes out whole? No
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter which end
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it comes out of.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <shrug>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What about Sunny Delight?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't know. Waht about it?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does that make ya poop change colour?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To a bright sunny orange?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That was my original hypothesis, yes.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please be sure to tell us what happens.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Waiting with baited breath...
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will post the results tomorrow.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There's overnight delivery then?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> paying them a little extra for the privilege) and
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will excessively consume the beverage all day to
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> see what result it has on my bowel movements in
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the evening.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> sloppy one.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>Wise move.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>> Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
: >> >>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>> Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
: >> >>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>> It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would
: >> >>>>>>>> have been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I
: >> >>>>>>>> made.
: >> >>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>> Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346
: >> >>>>>>> normal rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
: >> >>>>>>
: >> >>>>>> I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can
: >> >>>>>> hear the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel
: >> >>>>>> partly guilty, but the other part of me knows that this
: >> >>>>>> was an important breakthrough in the history of science.
: >> >>>>>
: >> >>>>> Yes, your name should go down in history.
: >> >>>>
: >> >>>> Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is
: >> >>>> so?
: >> >>>
: >> >>> Garaldo?
: >> >>
: >> >> Guinness?
: >> >
: >> > Galois?
: >>
: >> Goa?
: >
: > Buh?
: >
: Duh?


I drove all the way down this thread to see a 'duh'?
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-28 23:41:18 UTC
Post by BuZZard
: >
: > "Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip"
: >> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
: >>
: >> > Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >> >
: >> >> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>> Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>
: >> >>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
: >> >>>>
: >> >>>>> Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>
: >> >>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
: >> >>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>> Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
: >> >>>>>>> screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
: >> >>>>>>>> article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
: >> >>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of
: >> >>>>>>>>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> news:b1859c688ba78717df7831b675416ae9
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parson Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:190dadcfd91a92be7075dbd589d0ca50
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs,
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her head from their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:8d9cf07ee5eee507f404ba756975ed78
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this EVIL article by Goddess of
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip) raised
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her head from
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their hole and screamed -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lord alerted my mind to the
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of this EVIL article by Goddess of
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his/her head from their hole and
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip)
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >Crunchies dogfood
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A suggestively shaped vegetable
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Have you noticed that if you ever
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>up, you will always have carrots in the
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sick, regardless of whether or not
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you've eaten them?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that no matter how much you chew the
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corn, it still comes out whole? No
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter which end
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it comes out of.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <shrug>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What about Sunny Delight?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't know. Waht about it?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does that make ya poop change colour?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To a bright sunny orange?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That was my original hypothesis, yes.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> litres of the stuff off Tesco.com.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please be sure to tell us what happens.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Waiting with baited breath...
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will post the results tomorrow.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There's overnight delivery then?
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> paying them a little extra for the privilege) and
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will excessively consume the beverage all day to
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> see what result it has on my bowel movements in
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the evening.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> stocking up on toilet roll just in case it's a
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>> sloppy one.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>Wise move.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>>I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
: >> >>>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>>> Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
: >> >>>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>>> Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
: >> >>>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>>> It's a good job I didn't heed this advice. A towel would
: >> >>>>>>>> have been far from sufficient to clean up the mess I
: >> >>>>>>>> made.
: >> >>>>>>>
: >> >>>>>>> Yes, 173 rolls of paper x 2 for double roll would be 346
: >> >>>>>>> normal rolls. Way beyond the capacity of a towel.
: >> >>>>>>
: >> >>>>>> I'll say. But it would have saved on the rainforest. I can
: >> >>>>>> hear the Amazon trees being yanked down as we type. I feel
: >> >>>>>> partly guilty, but the other part of me knows that this
: >> >>>>>> was an important breakthrough in the history of
Post by BuZZard
: >> >>>>>
: >> >>>>> Yes, your name should go down in history.
: >> >>>>
: >> >>>> Thank you ever so much. Who do I contact to make sure it is
: >> >>>> so?
: >> >>>
: >> >>> Garaldo?
: >> >>
: >> >> Guinness?
: >> >
: >> > Galois?
: >>
: >> Goa?
: >
: > Buh?
: >
: Duh?
Ruh Ro!
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
2003-09-25 10:26:13 UTC
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 03:30:38 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of
whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the
stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume
the beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel
movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up
on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
I was just trying to save him some funds. And thinking of the economy
of course. Yeah, that what it was.

I wouldnt do that at your house.
Goddess of Groundhogs
2003-09-25 19:58:36 UTC
Post by Moonbug
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 03:30:38 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Moonbug
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:14:42 GMT, Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole and
screamed -
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Peter Parsnip) raised his/her head from their hole
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this
EVIL article by Goddess of Groundhogs, and I thusly
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you
will always have carrots in the sick, regardless
of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no
matter how much you chew the corn, it still comes
out whole? No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of
the stuff off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively
consume the beverage all day to see what result it has on my
bowel movements in the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking
up on toilet roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Wise move.
I'd buy double rolls, just to be safe.
Heh. Hell, just grab a towel.
Remind me not to let you use my restroom... heheheh
I was just trying to save him some funds. And thinking of the
economy of course. Yeah, that what it was.
I wouldnt do that at your house.
That's good to know. Just a reminder, in case... the spare rolls are
under the sink in the cabinet.

You may use my restroom any time.
-blu*goddess of groundhogs*juju-

_/~~| news://alt.fan.blujuju |__/~~\__/~~\_
'For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.'
2003-09-23 23:54:24 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will
always have carrots in the sick, regardless of whether
or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter
how much you chew the corn, it still comes out whole?
No matter which end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
To a bright sunny orange?
That was my original hypothesis, yes.
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Could be. Mysterious poop colors happen, ya know.
I'm going to give it a try. I've ordered 50 litres of the stuff
off Tesco.com.
Please be sure to tell us what happens.
Waiting with baited breath...
I will post the results tomorrow.
There's overnight delivery then?
It will arrive first thing in the morning (I'm paying them a
little extra for the privilege) and I will excessively consume the
beverage all day to see what result it has on my bowel movements in
the evening.
Somehow, I doubt it'll take till evening.
I have a sneaking suspicion you could be right. I'm stocking up on toilet
roll just in case it's a sloppy one.
Ya might wanna bring along newspaper or something. On second thought,
stick with the newspaper. I'm not so sure thats a good time to get a

Then again, what do I know about getting woodies.
2003-09-23 23:51:14 UTC
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by Goddess
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
The Lord alerted my mind to the presence of this EVIL article by
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 08:37:04 GMT,
Post by Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip
Post by Text Medium
Post by ryannosaurus
Post by Goddess of Groundhogs
A 50 pound bag of Ol Roy Kibbles and Crunchies dogfood
A suggestively shaped vegetable
Oh, no, not the carrot again!!
Have you noticed that if you ever throw up, you will always have
carrots in the sick, regardless of whether or not you've eaten them?
Its a mystery. Sorta like, why is it that no matter how much
you chew the corn, it still comes out whole? No matter which
end it comes out of.
Or how grape soda makes ya poop green.
What about Sunny Delight?
I don't know. Waht about it?
Does that make ya poop change colour?
I dont know. But I know crayons do. I've seen rainbows come out of
my kids.